THE lambs' meadow
and THE owlets' nest
26 - 40 months
In the Lambs’ Meadow and Owlets’ Nest, your child will have lots of opportunities to make choices, try new activities, and develop social relationships. The teaching staff provides guidance and support as children navigate social relationships and learn to manage their emotions.
Older toddlers are developing autonomy and beginning to declare their independence. This is a time of rapid growth as they are busy learning language, social skills, how to control their impulses and how to move their bodies with more coordination.

– Social Skills, including: An awareness of themselves and their feelings, awareness of others through listening and sharing, interactions with loving adults, and guided play with their peers.
– Language skills through stories, fingerplays, songs, and conversations with their teachers and their friends.
– Gross and fine motor skills, including climbing stairs, hopping, running, using a spoon, throwing a ball, holding a crayon, and stacking.
– Thinking skills through counting, music, art, pretending and problem-solving.

Sample Schedule
Older Toddlers, 7:15 am – 5:30pm
7:15 – 9:00 – Arrival and self-directed learning centers:
fine motor, art, music, blocks, books, dramatic play, nature/science, sand/water.
9:00 – 10:30 – Self-directed learning centers: fine motor, art, music, blocks, books, dramatic play, nature/science, sand/water.
Music and Movement Activity.
Diapering/toileting as needed.
Snack as wanted.
10:00 – 10:30 – Outdoor play: sand/water, bubbles, sidewalk chalk, active group games.
10:30 – 11:30 – Self-directed learning centers: fine motor, art, music, blocks, books, dramatic play, nature/science, sand/water.
Diapering/toileting as needed.
Lesson/Group activity: arts and crafts, stories, songs, learning games.
11:30 – 12:30 – Lunch
Diapering/toileting as needed.
12:30 – 3:00 – Naptime.
3:00 – 3:45 – Wake up, diapering/toileting, snacks as wanted.
3:45 – 4:15 – Outdoor Play: sand/water, bubbles, sidewalk chalk, active group games.
4:15 – 5:30 – Younger and Older Toddlers combined as parents arrive.
Self-directed learning centers: fine motor, art, music, blocks, books, dramatic play, nature/science